The HUB - Genre Based Writing Guide (Choose your grade 2-8, get Narrative and Informational Writing Guides under 1 cover!)
The HUB - Genre Based Writing Guide (Choose your grade 2-8, get Narrative and Informational Writing Guides under 1 cover!)

The HUB - Genre Based Writing Guide (Choose your grade 2-8, get Narrative and Informational Writing Guides under 1 cover!)

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The Hub: Genre Based Writing Guide. Includes Narrative and Information Guides under 1 cover. Select grade 2-8.

Access all foundational writing skills, strategies, lesson plans,  sample texts and exemplars necessary for effective Narrative and Informational writing from Empowering Writers' teacher guides. (Note: only one email address can be associated with the Genre Based Writing Guide License, meaning only one teacher has access to the Genre Base Writing Guide) Spanish available for Grades 2-5.

Digital-format guide includes:

    • Structured lessons that target each skill necessary for effective genre writing
    • Step-by-step lesson plans with clear, measurable objectives
    • Mentor texts that support guided annotation and analysis and prepare students for response to text
    • Strategies to break the writing discipline into a series of smaller, more manageable tasks
    • Scripted lessons to help implement more effective modeling
    • Suggestions for differentiating instruction to meet diverse needs
    • Opportunities for applying writing skills across the curriculum

Embedded professional development including:

    • Teacher Background - get a deeper understanding of the genre with brief, topic-specific video segments that reinforce every lesson.
    • Modeled Lessons - watch actual classroom footage of foundational skills being taught by experienced writing instructors—pragmatic insight that can be applied right away.
    • Coaching Segments - elevate teaching practices with valuable overviews, pacing advice and troubleshooting tips from certified Empowering Writers Teachers.

Direct to student content includes:

    • Virtual Field Trips - multi-sensory experiences that give students important background information on topics prior to text annotation and analysis.
    • Skill Power! PowerPoints - teacher-to-students presentations that help reference key instructional components of the writing process.
    • Animated Video Lessons - real-world, classroom-based videos that explain expository writing skills with high-impact visuals.

    More About the Informational Resource

    Access all foundational informational and opinion writing skills, strategies, lesson plans,  sample texts and exemplars necessary for effective informational, opinion, and response to text writing. Informational writing skills are applied to not only essays and reports, but become the backbone for the more challenging response to text tasks. Also includes research skills, note-taking, and how to cite textual evidence without plagiarizing.

    More About the Narrative Resource

    This grade-level specific guide includes all of the foundational narrative writing skills and provides everything you need to be successful at teaching narrative, personal experience and response to text writing.  Teacher background, detailed lesson plans, reproducible/projectable student pages, sample texts and exemplars are included.

      • Recognize and distinguish between genres (narrative, informational, opinion/argument writing) and understand author’s purpose.
      • Uncover the organizational structure of a narrative story
      • Learn to read with an author’s eye, identify literary elements (character, point of view, setting, plot, motivation, conflict, theme)
      • Annotate and analyze narrative stories to build foundational understanding
      • Learn to recognize and generate narrative writing through skill specific instruction (entertaining beginnings, vivid, relevant elaborative detail, suspense, fully elaborated main events, conclusions, and extended story endings.)
      • Develop literary language
      • Extend or modify a narrative story in some way in to demonstrate understanding of the literary elements through a narrative extension task (NET).
      • Respond, in writing, to narrative stories in order to demonstrate deep comprehension through a variety of literary analysis tasks (LAT).

    COPYRIGHT LAW GUIDELINES – PLEASE READ. Our copyright agreement for a single user license allows one person to download, print, and copy FOR USE WITHIN HIS OR HER INDIVIDUAL CLASSROOM ONLY. Copying or sharing materials for use in other classrooms or for training purposes is a violation of copyright law. Use in multiple classrooms will require the purchase of additional licenses – one per classroom. Copying, recreating, or modifying this product for the intended purposes of redistributing or selling is strictly forbidden.