Grade 1 Getting Ready to Write Guide with Art Connections (Printed - 2019 Edition)
SKU 10-2001-00
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This resource is an updated and expanded version of our 2015 Edition Getting Ready to Write. The original resource was a combined guide for both Kindergarten and Grade 1. Now we've broken each grade level into its own resource with relevant themes, topics, and developmentally appropriate lessons.
The Teacher’s Manual is available in English only. English and Spanish versions of the student pages are accessible digitally for print and projection via a link provided in the resource.
This guide is jam-packed with lessons to integrate narrative, informational, and opinion writing throughout your curriculum. We have included additional lesson plans for creating a full narrative piece – full narrative writing diamond, strategies for entertaining beginnings, extended endings, main event, and putting it all together. Students will learn to recognize genre and author's purpose, articulate ideas that will be expressed in writing (oral language precedes written), and engage in grade-specific lessons.
Foundational concepts are built through a wide variety of lessons including:
- Genre and author’s purpose
- Summarizing
- Labeling
- Informational writing
- Narrative writing
- Expressing opinions
- Responding to text – fiction and non-fiction
- Powerful vocabulary building
- Research opportunities
As you use the lessons in the guide, you will be building the bridge between the basic concept of the sound/symbol connection to the use of words, phrases and sentences to entertain, inform or share a personal opinion with an audience of others. The guide is laid out in genre-specific units so teachers can select appropriate lessons for a range of learners and apply those lessons to current content area material. The lessons all state clear objectives, include detailed procedures and provide a variety of templates for student writing.
The final section of the resource includes a series of reading/writing and art connections to make the reading-writing connection come alive in the classroom. In addition, our K-1 Activity Cards, available on the download link or sold separately as printed finished cards, are a convenient complement to this Getting Ready to Write resource.
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