Grade 3 Informational & Opinion Writing Guide (printed) - Canada
Deconstructing Text, Writing Essays, Reports, Response to Text
SKU 25-1300-01
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This guide includes all foundational informational and opinion writing skills, strategies, lesson plans, reproducible/projectable student pages, sample texts and exemplars necessary for effective informational, opinion, and response to text writing. A strong reading-writing connection is established throughout, and offers multiple opportunities for deconstructing, analyzing and annotating texts in order to prepare students to write in response to them. Specific lessons break response to text, research simulation and literary analysis tasks into manageable skills necessary for comprehensive, thorough responses. All foundational informational writing skills are applied to not only essays and reports, but become the backbone for the more challenging response to text tasks. Also includes research skills, note-taking, and how to cite textual evidence without plagiarizing.
Student pages are available in both English and Spanish for print and projection, and accessible through a digital link provided in the guide. (Teacher Lesson Plan pages are in English only.)
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