Narrative Writing Guide for Grades 7/8 (printed)
SKU 10-2007-00
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This grade-level specific guide includes all of the foundational narrative writing skills and provides everything you need to be successful at teaching narrative, personal experience and response to text writing. Teacher background, detailed lesson plans, reproducible/projectable student pages, sample texts and exemplars are included.
For ease of use, this resource has been divided into two tabbed skill sections:
Section 1:
Lessons that review essential narrative writing skills, such as recognizing
the author’s purpose and organizational structure of different genres, building
suspense, foreshadowing key plot points, making transitions between settings and time frames, and many others.
Section 2:
Literary Analysis/Narrative Extension Tasks that explore motivation and
conflict, point-of-view, the use of irony and alliteration and more. Students will have
the opportunity to:
• Analyze how characters change in narrative text.
• Try their hand at creating a segment that foreshadows an event.
• Identify and analyze themes and revise text to showcase an alternate theme.
• Rewrite narrative text from a differing point of view.
NOTE: Student pages are accessible for print and projection through a digital link provided in the guide. Student pages are available in English only.
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