The HUB - Grade 3 - Editing, Revising, & More Digital Teacher's Guide with Student Activity Pages
SKU DB Span E&R 3 Set
(This product includes a license for digital teachers’ guide and student pages. You will receive access information within 24 business hours M-F. License expires a year from date of purchase.)
New! Our Grade 3 Editing, Revising, and More digital resource is now available in Spanish. Lessons have been translated and adapted to align with Spanish grammar rules. Additional lessons have also been added to cover all grammar skills included on Spanish State Assessments. So much more than a rote skill and drill workbook, Editing, Revising, and More provides the comprehensive instruction that helps students understand the rules that make language work. Take the mystery out of grammar, mechanics, editing and revising. This resource includes digital teacher lesson plans, Powerpoints, student activity pages, and pre-and post- student assessments.
COPYRIGHT LAW GUIDELINES – PLEASE READ. Our copyright agreement for a single user license allows one person to download, print, and copy FOR USE WITHIN HIS OR HER INDIVIDUAL CLASSROOM ONLY. Copying or sharing materials for use in other classrooms or for training purposes is a violation of copyright law. Use in multiple classrooms will require the purchase of additional licenses – one per classroom. Copying, recreating, or modifying this product for the intended purposes of redistributing or selling is strictly forbidden.