The HUB - Trial Guide Sampler Grades K-8

The HUB - Trial Guide Sampler Grades K-8

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Welcome to the HUB Trial Sampler

Ready to explore Empowering Writers’ online resource? 

A few things you should know before you begin:

The HUB Guide Sampler includes:

  • Selected lessons from each Grade Level: Every grade level has samples lessons from each section of their guide providing a comprehensive look at the resource of your choice.
  • Lesson Development: Color coded lessons indicate the progression of the lessons from awareness to generative to responsive.
  • Lesson Plans and embedded assets: Our objective driven lessons have easy to follow step by step procedures and instructional assets like Skill Power! PowerPoints and Virtual Field trips to name a few.
  • Vertical Alignment in Action: See how our instruction is scaffolded across grade levels. Lessons chosen highlight progression of skills from one year to the next.
  • "On-Demand" Coaching Videos: Watch teacher instructional videos embedded in the Hub for real-time guidance and professional development. 

COPYRIGHT LAW GUIDELINES – PLEASE READ. Our copyright agreement for a single user license allows one person to download, print, and copy FOR USE WITHIN HIS OR HER INDIVIDUAL CLASSROOM ONLY. Copying or sharing materials for use in other classrooms or for training purposes is a violation of copyright law. Use in multiple classrooms will require the purchase of additional licenses – one per classroom. Copying, recreating, or modifying this product for the intended purposes of redistributing or selling is strictly forbidden.