The HUB - Trial Guides

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Welcome to our teacher HUB where you’ll find all of the Empowering Writers’ resources you need to empower your writing instruction. 

Get online access to your grade-level, digital teaching guide and everything Empowering Writers has to offer through the HUB. 

From lesson plans, pacing guides, rubrics, and done-for-you presentations, to animated lessons and virtual field trips that keep students engaged throughout the school year…it’s all at your fingertips 24/7, right inside the HUB.  Take it for a test drive today.

Empowering Writers' HUB gives you detailed and helpful, step-by-step instructions that are easy-to-follow and build confidence in your ability to teach writing effectively.  Try the HUB free for 7 days to see all of the EW writing resources, foundational skills, modeled lessons, classroom ideas, and instructional tools available to support you in helping your students succeed.

Empowering Writers Informational & Opinion Writing guides provide you with everything you need to be successful at teaching writing.  This includes:

The Literacy Launch - designed to bring the importance of the reading writing connection to the forefront before launching into the necessary writing skills and to maximize instructional time through a proactive interaction with text in all content areas. 

A Proven Approach
 - Empowering Writers methodology and strategies deliver the "how-to" teach all of the foundational informational and opinion writing.  

Response to Text Tasks Instruction
 builds upon the Literacy Launch and foundational skills taught to meet the requirements of today's state standards and assessments.  

Digital Student Content delivers valuable background information and vocabulary in an engaging multi-sensory fashion.

COPYRIGHT LAW GUIDELINES – PLEASE READ. Our copyright agreement for a single user license allows one person to download, print, and copy FOR USE WITHIN HIS OR HER INDIVIDUAL CLASSROOM ONLY. Copying or sharing materials for use in other classrooms or for training purposes is a violation of copyright law. Use in multiple classrooms will require the purchase of additional licenses – one per classroom. Copying, recreating, or modifying this product for the intended purposes of redistributing or selling is strictly forbidden.