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The HUB takes you beyond the book and combines professional development, digital teaching tools, how-to demonstration videos and direct to student content all in one convenient place!
Now, everything needed to polish teaching skills and meet the growing demand for writing and reading proficiency is at your finger tips. See below for a detailed description.
(This product is a license for digital guide only. The printed guide is sold separately. You will receive access information within 24 business hours M-F. License expires a year from date of purchase.)
The Hub: Comprehensive Argumentative Writing
Access instruction that takes the art of argumentative writing to new levels. This resource moves beyond applicable persuasive skills, offering authentic writing and research lessons designed to help students write in all curriculum areas. With everything from basic introductory lessons, to more sophisticated concepts such as audience awareness and learning how to cite sources through research, this teacher-friendly, classroom-tested instruction provides a powerful foundation to enhance student learning.
This invaluable resource for middle school teachers covers all of the latest standards. It includes comprehensive lesson plans in the following skill areas:
- The organization and purpose of argumentative writing
- Examining and identifying various side of an issue - choosing a claim
- Stating your claim clearly
- Acknowledging, affirming, and countering a different point of view
- Using voice, word choice and style appropriate to genre
- Generating relevant reasons, credible facts and convincing evidence
- Writing effective, powerful introductions and conclusions
- Structured lessons that target each skill necessary for effective argumentative writing
- Step-by-step lesson plans with clear, measurable objectives
- Mentor texts that support guided annotation and analysis and prepare students for response to text
- Strategies to break the writing discipline into a series of smaller, more manageable tasks
- Scripted lessons to help implement more effective modeling
- Suggestions for differentiating instruction to meet diverse needs
- Opportunities for applying writing skills across the curriculum
- Teacher Background - get a deeper understanding of the genre with brief, topic-specific video segments that reinforce every lesson.
- Modeled Lessons - watch actual classroom footage of foundational skills being taught by experienced writing instructors—pragmatic insight that can be applied right away.
- Coaching Segments - elevate teaching practices with valuable overviews, pacing advice and troubleshooting tips from certified Empowering Writers Teachers.
- Virtual Field Trips - multi-sensory experiences that give students important background information on topics prior to text annotation and analysis.
- Skill Power! PowerPoints - teacher-to-students presentations that help reference key instructional components of the writing process.
How is persuasive writing different from argument writing?
Persuasive writing differs from argument writing in a number of ways. In persuasive writing the purpose is to convince the reader to think as the writer thinks. This might include using techniques such as slanting or spinning the message, accentuating details that support the writer’s cause and downplaying details that oppose the writer’s point of view. The purpose of argument writing is to present a balanced, objective, convincing argument. While the reader may not agree with the writer they should come away with the idea that the writer’s point of view is valid and worthy of consideration. For more information, visit the page below.
Argumentative vs. Persuasive Activity Sheet
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